In Chicago and around the country, people are over spending on their credit cards. Maybe it’s the have it now, pay for it later mentality. Maybe it’s the convenience of not having to carry cash. Maybe it’s the enticements of rewards by using the card. Whatever the reason, folks have become too reliant on credit cards in their lives. The video below talks about how using your credit card instead of cash can actually increase to the total dollars that you spend. In many cases, this will lead to an eventual bankruptcy filing. Jesse Barrientes: I find that a lot of folks are simply using the credit card to live. They are paying – they are buying groceries or they are buying things that they + Click Here For Read More
What Happens When Only One Co-Debtor Files For Bankruptcy?
April 2, 2014 by
The Typical Co-Debtor Protection In most circumstances, when only one co-debtor files for bankruptcy protection, the non-filing co-debtor usually can maintain the property provided that the co-debtor continues to make timely payments. An interesting situation arose in a recent case. The particular property is a boat. Husband and wife both signed for and are responsible for the debt owed to the boat financing company. It turns out that husband was forced to file a chapter 7 bankruptcy case. The lender with the boat as security sent a reaffirmation agreement seeking to have the debtor reaffirm that debt despite the fact that there was a non-filing co-debtor spouse. When I contacted the + Click Here For Read More